1984 |
Crossing the Boundaries with John Haines, Sam Hamill, William Kittredge; Sheila Nickerson, William Pitt Root, John Adams (composer), and Ruth Knier. |
1985 |
Crossing the Boundaries: Landscape and Language with Margaret Atwood, Carolyn Forché, Robert Hass, Barry Lopez, Nancy McCleery, Peter Nabokov, and Richard Nelson. |
1986 |
Culture and Landscape: Toward a New World View with Siv Cedering, China Galland, John Haines, Lewis Hyde, Mary Oliver, and Paul Shepard. |
1987 |
Writing the Natural World: Science, Spirit and Imagination with Nora Dauenhauer, Barry Lopez, Carolyn Merchant, Melinda Mueller, Gary Nabhan, Nanao Sakaki, and Gary Snyder. |
1988 |
The Art of the Story with Jim Dodge, Eliza Jones, Pete Sinclair, Gioia Timpanelli, and Barre Toelken. |
1989 |
Allegiances: Locating Ourselves in Place and Culture with John Hildebrand, William Kittredge, Elsie Mather, William Stafford, and Terry Tempest Williams. |
1990 |
Groundwork: Renewing the Covenants that Sustain Us with Rachel Craig, Robert Hass, Wes Jackson, John Keeble, and Stephanie Mills. |
1991 |
Confluences: Personal Vision and the Responsible Voice with Hugh Brody, Ursula Hegi, Linda Hogan, James Nageak, and Chet Raymo. |
1992 |
Stories We Live By: Our Habit, Our Heritage, Our Hope with Ted Chamberlin, Martha Demientieff, Barbara Kingsolver, Robert Michael Pyle, and Pattiann Rogers. |
1993 |
10th Anniversary Retrospective with Hugh Brody, Jim Dodge, John Haines, Eliza Jones, William Kittredge, Gary Nabhan, Sheila Nickerson, James Nageak, Pattiann Rogers, Terry Tempest Williams. (Two week special session; five faculty each week.) |
1994 |
The Spirit of Human Work with Lorna Goodison, Teresa Jordan, Robert McCarl, John Pingayak, and Tom Wayman. |
1995 |
Landscape and Community: Imagining Common Ground with Alison Deming, Ken Grant, Daniel Kemmis, Scott Russell Sanders, and Rina Swentzell. |
1996 |
Earth Household: Community and the Natural Common Wealth with Linda Hasselstrom, Tom Lyon, Richard Nelson, Don Snow, and Martha Vlasoff |
1997 |
Ways of Seeing, Ways of Knowing with Martha Demientieff , Ursula Franklin, David Lee, Ted Hoagland, and Gary Holthaus |
1998 |
A Culture to Sustain Us: Creating a Center That Holds, I with Ted Chamberlin, John Daniel, Cecilia Martz, Melinda Mueller, Ray Rasker |
1999 |
A Culture to Sustain Us: Creating a Center That Holds, II with Vernita Herdman, James Kilgo, David Orr, Pattiann Rogers, and Don Snow |
2000 |
Matters of Faith, Matters of Fact with Julie Cruikshank, Ursula Goodenough, Oscar Kawagley, Bill McKibben, and Kathleen Moore |
2001 |
Gifts of Grace: Restoration, Reconciliation and Forgiveness with Wendell Berry, John Daniel, Lorna Goodison, Vernita Herdman, and Alfredo Vea |
2002 |
Creating a Geography of Hope with Dolly Garza, Christopher Merrill, Kathleen Moore, and Ben Webb |
2003 |
How to Love This World: 20th Anniversary and Celebration with Vernita Herdman, David Lee, Stephanie Mills and Scott Sanders. Celebration guests: John Daniel, Linda Hogan, Gary Holthaus, John Keeble, Kathleen Moore, Richard Nelson, Don Snow, and Rina Swentzell. |
2005 |
If This is Your Land, Where are Your Stories? with Mary Clearman Blew, Ted Chamberlin, Barry Chevannes, Romaine Moreton, Levi Namaseb and Neil Sterritt. |
2006 |
Radical Compassion / Across the Great Divides with Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Rabia Terri Harris, Micheline Marcom, Alan Senauke, and Sandy Tolan. |
2007 |
On the Edge: The Necessity of Beauty with Tom Jay, Barbara Ras, Scott Russell Sanders, and Rina Swentzell |
2008 |
Gifts of Nature, Gifts of Culture: Who Owns the Commons? with William deBuys, Alison Deming, Vernita Herdman, and Don Snow |
2009 |
FrameWork: Shaping an Enduring Human Culture with Gary Holthaus, Robin Kimmerer, and Gary Snyder |
2014 |
Radical Imagining: Changing the Story with Stories of Change with Winona LaDuke, Molly Sturges, Luis Urrea, and Alan Weisman |