Our Supporters

The work of the Island Institute would not be possible without the generous financial support of many people and organizations.  We want to acknowledge and thank all of our grantors, business supporters, major donors, and Island Institute members. No matter the size of your contributions, your support truly makes a difference–our heartfelt gratitude to all.

If you are not an Institute member, we welcome your support. Consider becoming a member or find out other ways to contribute.

Here are ways your contribution may be put to use:

  • Initiating our new programs in Community Resilience
  • Providing accommodations for our Resident Fellows
  • Hosting public readings
  • Making writing workshops available for Sitkans
  • Sending writers into Sitka schools
  • Publishing our literary journal Connotations
  • Convening community conversations on local and global issues
  • Fostering collaborative civic engagement
  • Supporting our partnership with Alaska Art Southeast to revitalize the Sheldon Jackson campus
  • Carrying out special projects


Sitka Business Donors

Fishermen’s Eye Gallery; Vern and Ruth Culp
Harry’s / White’s / Seasons; Dirk and Trish White
Precision Boatworks; Mike and Susan Litman
Old Harbor Books, Sitka
Hames Corporation / Seamart Quality Foods
Sitka Rose Gallery; Eugene Solovyov
Skookum Canvas Works; Donna Donohoe
Specialty Imports

Major Donors

Linda Behnken and Kent Barkhau; Sitka
David Chrislip and Carol Wilson; Boulder, CO
Ralph Clark; Gunnison, CO
Nancy and William Davis; Sitka
Jerry Dzugan; Sitka
Robert Ellis; Sitka
Jamie Kaufman; New York, NY*
Charles and Christine Horan; Sitka


Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, Sitka
Hank Lentfer and Anya Maier; Gustavus, AKCaren Mathis; Anchorage, AK
Michele McKitterick; Tustin, CA*
Nancy Nordhoff; Langley, WA
Michael and Stephanie Powell; Sherwood, OR
Grace Schaible; Fairbanks, AK
Ann Selbert; Arlington, VA
Mark Seretan; Foothill Ranch, CA*
Stef Steffen and Judy Kearns-Steffen; Sitka
David and Marge Steward; Sitka

Partner Members

Diane Aro; Lompoc, CA
Jeff and Martha Pearson; Sitka
Susan Prindle; Portland, Oregon
Laura Servid; Seattle, WA
Bill Sherwonit; Anchorage, AK
John Sisk and Mary Pat Schilly; Juneau, AK
Libby and William Stortz; Sitka
Rachel Williams; Port Townsend, WA
Leslie and Dusty Williams; Blaine, WA
Joe Yarrow and Carmen Baehr; Boulder, CO

Annual Members

Tele Aadsen; Bellingham, WA
Rob Allen; Deerfield, MA
Jane Allison; Brooklyn, NY
William Ashton; Chugiak, AK
Gail Bagley; Sitka
Zoe Ballering; Port Townsend, WA*
Phil Barber; Boulder, CO
Annette Basalyga; Bridgeport, CT
Janée Baugher; Seattle, WA
Anita Behnken; Norwalk, CT
Nancy Behnken; Sitka
Dr. Janet Bell; Watsonville, CA
Jesse Blackadder; Australia
Gordon and Sarah Blue; Sitka
Kayla Boettcher and Matthew Turner; Sitka
Harvey and Kathleen Brandt; Sitka
Tom Brightman and Tara Tracy; Kennett Square, PA
Grace Brooks and Charlie Morgan; Sitka
Marilyn Bruya; Missoula, MT
Scott and Cleo Brylinsky; Sitka
Chris and Tiffany Bryner; Sitka
Jeff Budd; Sitka
Norman and Toby Campbell; Sitka
Brenda Campen; Sitka
Mary Chambers; Sitka
Terry Chapin; Fairbanks, AK
Ben Clark and Emily Buck; Sitka
Kenneth Cohen; Nederland, CO
Joe and Sandy Cohen; Annapolis, MD
Paul and Tracey Columb; Sitka
Tom and Marylyn Conley; Sitka
Gail Corbin; Pelican, AK
Steve Culbertson and Vanni Prichard; Robertsville, MO
John and Marilyn Daniel; Elmira, OR
Joe D’Arienzo; Sitka
Nora and Dick Dauenhauer; Juneau, AK
Sarah DeLappe; Brooklyn, NY*
Jeff Delauter; Brooklyn, NY*
Bill and Carole Denkinger; Sitka
Mary Diven and Michael Fleischhauer; Juneau, AK
Jim Dodge; Arcata, CA
Michael Donahue; Philadelphia, PA*
Marcia Drake; Sitka
Jim Drury and Linda Brandt; Price, UT
Victor Dukay; Denver, CO
Jane Eidler and Michael Wild; Sitka
Larry Eickstaedt; Olympia, WA
Margritt Engel; Anchorage, AK
Alice Evans and Jon Heritage; Eugene, OR
Jeff Fair; Palmer, AK
Irene and Bill Ferguson; Sitka
Jacqueline Fernandez; Sitka
Ann Fienup-Riordan; Anchorage, AK
Peter Forbes and Helen Whybrow; Fayston, VT
Pauline Fredrickson; Sitka
Michele Friedman; Sitka
Helen Frost; Fort Wayne, IN
Lynne Gallison; Plymouth, MI
Elizabeth Gibbs; Norwalk, CT
Sierra Golden; Maple Falls, WA
Rebecca Goodale; Freeport, ME
Charles Goodrich; Corvallis, OR
Karen Grussendorf; Sitka
Randy Hagenstein and Evie Witten; Anchorage, AK
Eric Hanson and Susea Albee; Sitka
Kent and Marilyn Hanson; Sitka
Dave and Paulla Hardy; Sitka
Christine Harrington; Sitka
Rebecca Hartwell; Juneau, AK
Robert Hass; Kensignton, CA
Robert Hattle; Sitka
Shannon Haugland; Sitka
Gary Hawk; Missoula, MT
Kim and Melanie Heacox; Gustavus, AK
Dan Henry and Robin Grace; Eugene, OR
Tim Hogan; Boulder, CO
Pamela and Rick Holley; Assawoman, VA
Hollis and Charlie Holstine; Philomath, OR
Gary Holthaus; Anchorage, AK
Emily Hsiao; Brooklyn, NY
Bob and Kim Hunter; Sitka
Sandy Huss; Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Kathy Ingallinera; Sitka
Tom Jacobsen; Sitka
Tina and Marty Johnson; Sitka
Kari Johnson and Steve Fish; Sitka
Alice and Chuck Johnstone; Sitka
Eliza Jones; Koyukuk, AK
Nancy Jones; Bradford, UT
Eric and Sarah Jordan; Sitka
Suzanne Kanatsiz; Ogden, UT
Mary Kancewick; Chugiak, AK
John and Claire Keeble; Medical Lake, WA
Pat Kehoe and Howard Pendell; Sitka
Kim Kirkness; Sitka
Dave and Marilyn Knapp; Bellingham, WA
Nancy Knapp and Mark Gorman; Sitka
Connie Kreiss and Floyd Tomkins; Sitka
Martina Kurzer; Sitka
Rebecca Lawton; Sonoma, CA
Robert Lee; Missoula, MT
Dennis and Jean Longstreth; Sitka
Barry Lopez and Debra Gwartney; Finn Rock, OR
Nancy Lord; Homer, AK
Vanni Lowdenslager; Gunnison, CO
Amy Love; Belchertown, MA
Deborah Lyons; Sitka
Sarah Mankoff; Hastings On Hudson, NY*
Rose Manning; Sitka
Cedar Marie; Norman, OK
Deborah Marshall; Haines, AK
Sherie Mayo; Sitka
Rich and Suzi McClear; Sitka
Mike and Blakely Mechau; Palisade, CO
Mary Mercier and Alex Hancock; Madison, WI
Debbie Miller; Belvedere, CA
Donna Miller and Ron Fribush; Sitka
Kate Miller; International Falls, MN
Pamela Mittlefehldt; Duluth, MN
Debbie Moderow; Anchorage, AK
Kathy and Frank Moore; Corvallis, OR
Jarrett Moran; Brooklyn, NY*
Bitsy and Ron Mosher; Sitka
Joanne Mulcahy; Portland, OR
Don Muller and Mary Stensvold; Sitka
Kent and Marilyn Nanson; Sitka
Shawn Newell; Flagstaff, AZ
Sheila Nickerson; Bellingham, WA
Jon and Carolyn Nickles; Anchorage, AK
Ginny Olney; Sitka
Dorothy and Dean Orbison; Sitka
Will Owen; Brooklyn, NY*
Susan Padilla; Sitka
Galen Paine and Don Surgeon; Sitka
Lorne Peterson; Ottawa, ON
Anne Pollnow; Sitka
Mary and Bob Purvis; Sitka
Heidi Raffaele and Karla Horner; Sitka
Daniel and Mary Anne Rangel Guerrero; Bellingham, WA
Barbara Ras; San Antonio, TX
Chet Raymo; North Easton, MA
Carlos Reyes and Karen Checkoway; Portland, OR
Pat Roppel; Wrangell, AK
Judith Rosenberg; Austin, TX
Andrew Ruben; Wallingford, CT*
Frank and Ruth Roth; Sitka
Lisa Sadleir-Hart and Tom Hart; Sitka
Lauret Savoy; Leverett, MA
Migael Scherer; Lopez Island, WA
Linda Schmidt; Sitka
Debra Schnabel; Haines, AK
William Schneider and Sidney Stephens; Fairbanks, AK
Carol Schrantz; Normal, IL
Ben Seretan; Middletown, CT*
Jeb Sharp and Rhona MacBeth; Cambridge, MA
Florence Shepard; Salt Lake City, UT
Jana Kay Slater; Corvallis, OR
Allen Smith; Olympia, WA
Don Snow and Dorothy O’Brien; Walla Walla, WA
Gary Snyder; Nevada City, CA
Brian Sparks; Sitka 
Ann Staley and Courtney Cloyd; Corvallis, OR
Susan Stanford; Sitka
John Stein; Sitka
Richard Stokes; Juneau, AK
Jan and John Straley; Sitka
Greg Streveler and Judy Brakel; Gustavus, AK
Molly Sturges; Santa Fe, NM
Will Swagel and Suzanne Portello; Sitka
Pat Tagart; Boise, ID
Tim and Marilyn Takaro; Asheville, NC
Mary Therese Thompson and Peter Gorman; Sitka
Peg Tileston; Anchorage, AK
Linda Trierschield; Sitka
Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim; Woodbridge, CT
Cheryl and David Vastola; Sitka
Linda Waller; Sitka
Tom Wayman; Winlaw, BC
Melissa and Forrest Wentzel; Sitka
Gerda Wickett; Sitka

*Support specifically directed towards the Sitka Fellows Program