6 fellows. 7 weeks. 57.05306 N, -135.33 W.
The Sitka Fellows Program brings together some of the most exciting, promising talent across all fields and disciplines to spend a summer residency at the Sheldon Jackson Campus in Sitka, Alaska. We look for visionaries of all stripes: frame-busting, independent thinkers who wish to immerse themselves in their work alongside smart, enthusiastic young people from radically different backgrounds.
6 fellows. 7 weeks. 57.05306 N, -135.33 W.
Apply now!
The Sitka Fellows Program brings together some of the most exciting, promising talent across all fields and disciplines to spend a summer residency at the Sheldon Jackson Campus in Sitka, Alaska. We look for visionaries of all stripes: frame-busting, independent thinkers who wish to immerse themselves in their work alongside smart, enthusiastic young people from radically different backgrounds.
Entering its third year as a program this summer, the Sitka Fellows Program incubates the talents of the intellectually, artistically, and socially entrepreneurial. It was borne of the belief that highly promising young talent has few opportunities to remove themselves from the commotions of daily life and focus, fully and intentionally, on innovative and ambitious ideas.
Assembling diverse, perceptive minds in one place cultivates a creative energy not easily achieved in a more insular, disciplinary environment. (To wit, the 2012 session saw a computer game designer residing across the hall from an alternative comic book artist, who both made and shared their meals with an engineer-turned-sculptor – all of them living together as peers and collaborators.) Similar to programs like TED and the Santa Fe Institute, we believe that great ideas will shape our future, and that building a community to foster such cross-disciplinary dialogue and action is one of the best ways to transform theoretical ideas into significant forces of change and impact.
Backed by a commitment from the Sitka Fine Arts Camp and the Sheldon Jackson Campus, the Sitka Fellows Program will award six residency fellowships to the most promising emerging talent under the age of 30. Fellows will live for seven weeks on Sitka’s 133-year-old Sheldon Jackson Campus, a National Historic Landmark, and will be provided with studio and research space, meals, and a community environment in which they can interact with each other as well as with local Sitkans. In sum, residents will be free to dedicate themselves fully to their work.
If you would like more information, please read our call for applicants, learn more about our past fellows, or apply!