The Third Raven: Susan Yoder Ackerman,

Happy Stories / Because You Asked Me…: John Straley,

Broken/Unbroken Places: Helen Frost,

Hunger for Hooligan: Hank Lentfer,

Nevada Interlude: Carolyn Servid,

“In this summer issue of Connotations, we find ourselves focusing on stories and places and the people that inhabit both. Lively conjunctions, those–the coming together of aspects of human lives that surface again and again as having utmost importance. And what better subject for summer when we are often visiting favorite haunts or rambling our way through new country on a vacation or gathering around the barbeque with family and friends, telling stories as a means of catching up with ourselves and each other, a means of rooting people and places and events in memory so that we can call on them again when we need them. And need them we will if our lives are to be whole…”